What happens to his victims after they enter his pocket dimension is just terrifying. What It Does: It appears to be a normal IKEA store until you walk in and suddenly find that you cant escape, ever. I am employed by Del Rey Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House, LLC. Pasta Patrons I Would Like to Marry This Month (thank you so much <3): (Support is not necessary, but greatly appreciated!). 10 Tips to Overcome Writer's Anxiety, 8 Fantasy Story Plot Ideas that Dont Involve Quests (+Examples), Oscar Ambroses Magicpedia Guide to Modern Mirror-Making. 1 Jeff the Killer Jeff the Killer is a creepypasta usually accompanied by a picture of a white face looking in to the camera smiling in an unsettling manner. 1981 . There is nothing the Foundation can do to prevent its active hunting phases. SCP-076 (+1576): posted 25 Jul 2008 21:59 by Anonymous Spoiler alert: its a lot less mundane than it appeared the first time around. 3003 . (15% of events): Congrats, I guess! It is very classified and is very dangerous to even know what it is. SCP-087: An endless staircase that, like Machin Shin from Wheel of Time, resists light and hides a ghostlike face. A giant serpent that acts similar to a Lovecraftian monster really helps bring cosmic horror to the SCP Foundation. SCP-1058 both is and isn't aquatic. That line speaks volumes, everything the article spent several iterations detailing is irrelevant, it does nothing. SCP-504 (+1219): posted 05 Feb 2009 01:40 by BlastYoBoots Just the idea of feeling and being aware of everything that happens to your body after death, but being in a somewhat comatose state is absolutely terrifying. SCP-500 (+1124): posted 26 Jul 2008 14:07 by far2 Tales | GoI Formats | Art, SCP-173 (+8207): posted 25 Jul 2008 20:49 by Lt Masipag Ironically, not for the person in the suit, I guess? Yeah, right. What It Does:Self-explanatory. SCP-643 is a good example of why Safe doesnt always mean, well, safe.. Many of the suggestions of what SCP-001 should be. What It Does: Its a satellite that orbits the Earth and can be fired by the O5 Council at varying intensities, causing massive cognitive damage to those affected by its blast. Everything this guy says and does is interpreted as completely normal. Please give us a goal, a reason to try to survive, this is what made SCP:CB scary. Crisis level should be decently high because its a bizarre infinite dimension, an endless labyrinth that you cant escape from no matter how hard you try. 6. SCP-015 (+1101): posted 25 Jul 2008 12:43 by Dr Gears You cannot ask someone to kill it for you, cannot try to attack it yourself, cannot even try to set in motion of chain of events that might end in its demise. SCP-096 was ranked fourth place in TatsTopVideos' Top 22 Scariest SCPs video. Credit to the article creators. However, upon re-reading both articles, I felt it wouldnt be fair to just mash them both together, since theyre both uniquely horrifying in different ways. BIG RED JELLYFISH Realmonstrosities.com SCP-507: The (Reluctant) Reality Hopper. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast . Why It Gets Its Classification:According to the Foundation, its likely an ancient creature, and in all its years of being on the Foundations radar, it has never been contained. As someone who is deeply terrified of the ocean, this SCP truly doesn't help at all. SCP-1861 This one always gives me creeps. SCP-087 (+3281): posted 10 Dec 2009 19:05 by Zaeyde SCP-2317 (+2393): posted 08 Feb 2014 21:01 by DrClef The first audio log in this article is a good example of why that particular effect is as terrifying and grim as it is. But come on. This one used to scare me a good bit, but not as much as some of the others. Why does everyone immediately relax when he reveals himself even though theyve just watched a grisly death? Each and every one of these animals look as if they were pulled straight from a horror movie. Pasta Patrons I Would Like to Marry This Month (thank you so much <3): (Support is not necessary, but greatly appreciated!). Maybe a little too personable, come to think of it. See SCP-1048 as an example, which was moved from Safe classification to Keter after a certain incident. 1. Being cannibalized alive sounds pretty painful, so Id say yes. SCP-073 (+1226): posted 26 Jul 2008 04:51 by far2 SCP-2030 (+1449): posted 09 Jun 2014 21:56 by PeppersGhost SCP-106 (+2926): posted 08 Apr 2010 01:03 by Dr Gears And just overall how much I enjoy each of them. Lily's Proposal (+1243): posted 02 May 2018 21:04 by LilyFlower This Month | By Year The only reason I didnt rank this one 10/10 was because, although its a home furnishing labyrinthine nightmare, its at least contained to the inside of the store. SCP-3008 (+2914): posted 04 May 2017 15:13 by Mortos Now game feels more like sandbox you can play around with some SCPs in rather than game where you would be scared of losing progress by obstacles in the form of SCPs. Just no. The anomaly turning the entire Foundation against humanity? The article does a brilliant job of presenting this average Joe Schmo who doesnt seem all that remarkable compared to the other crazy SCPs the Foundation encounters (hes even labeled in the first file an unremarkable man who is unable to be harmed), but it ends with a containment breach that wipes out the whole site, and we are later presented with the actual transcript of the conversation he has with his interviewer. SCP-1983 (+1313): posted 10 Apr 2012 19:35 by DrEverettMann Top Ten Scariest SCPs. I really, really recommend reading through all of them because theyre delightfully morbid and probably one of my favorite addendums out of the SCPs Ive come across so far. What It Does: Periodically visits a random person on Earth, compelling all who see it to aid it in finding and capturing its chosen target. SCP-2030: 1,000 Ways to Die But Also Punk'd. 2. Scariest SCPs . I dont want to say too much because I highly recommend you read it, but I love,lovethe way other SCPs make a cameo as the SCP Foundation goes full rogue. This should be number one for three reasons. It means the whole world is condemned to a very, very painful and horrifying death, and this eldritch horror flesh monster will continue to grow until it spreads across the world and engulfs everything and everyone. The mass, being able to learn, grow, and adapt, only gets more dangerous the more people it absorbs, and it cannot be allowed to gain an understanding of the SCP Foundation or any possible means of escape. They are all fiction of courseor are they. It just makes me fear that one zone. 2. : Subscribe To Most Amazing Top 10: Become A Most Amazing Top 10 Member: I'll be honest, I was worried I wouldn't be able to find any scarier anomalies to talk . Scarlet king is the most dangerous. Years and years all alone, slowly rotting, barely able to grasp reality anymore. SCP-093 (+2934): posted 26 Jul 2008 11:54 by far2 The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. We don't know what he does to his victims and as you travel deeper into the stairs, you can hear a crying little girl. What It Does:In winter, stalks the homes of families in remote locations who have at least one child under the age of eight over the course of 12 days. Yep. Just what does its face look like? This random Lovecraftian dude just pops into these specific events, starts a heinous ritual that the attendees dont question at all because theyre so fucked up by whatever mind-altering effect he has on them, and basically puts a curse on the family once the event is over. I recommend reading through all of the examples here if youve ever got some time to kill. Click here to edit contents of this page. 427. If it targets you, you will die. SCP-3008: Literally Every IKEA Ever. Are you affiliated with any organizations? Thats just one of the many examples given in the article of recorded SCP-2030 appearances. But once you do, its delightful to go through this entry and see other SCPs youve read and loved make an appearance. The SCP Foundation has plenty of unexplainable shenanigans going on, but in addition to being wonderfully morbid, SCP-2030 is also one of my favorite mysteries. Just dont eat them and you should be fine. The fact that SCP-173 can move rapidly as you don't look at it is already . SCP-028 (+1190): posted 25 Jul 2008 23:38 by Kain Pathos Crow SCP-1867 (+1181): posted 26 May 2012 23:53 by Djoric djkaktus's Proposal III (+1107): posted 01 Dec 2018 06:13 by djkaktus In fact, it is it's father. You cant contain someone youre tricked into believing doesnt need to be contained. What would happen, for example, if it decided not to listen to them anymore, and opted to fire wherever it wanted? When it takes a full reboot to load a song, video, etc. My very first SCP that I've ever heard of. In its active phase, which has been recorded to be from December 21-22 to January 1-2, SCP-4666 it stalks families who meet the following criteria: The first few nights are relatively harmless, with only the young child seeing signs of the creature. Although the SCP Foundation exists to protect the world from dangerous anomalies, they can also be pretty cold and calculating, so I was pretty happy to see that they approved that particular request. The less popular the better, as I've read most of the "top 10" popular SCPs in the safe, euclid, and keter categories. Still, Id rather not die, thanks. top 10 scariest scps. Everyone involved in each episode of the show seems to really enjoy it once the prank is revealed, so I guess whether the deaths are painful or not is up for debate. It might be another entry influenced by the storytelling of Dr. Bob, but the intensity levels of the blast and the fact that it can be fired anywhere on Earth makes this one a lot scarier than it may first appear. SCP-049 - The second he feels like performing surgery, it's a zombie apocalypse. SCP-3002 (+1143): posted 24 Mar 2017 04:51 by MayD He is cruel, looks creepy and the fact he is a Keter class does NOT help. I would go insane. Why It Gets Its Classification: The cave itself it monitored by the Foundation, but we dont know anything about whatever it is that killed everyone in the alternate dimension, and for all we know, it could come for us next. SCP-507: The (Reluctant) Reality Hopper. The creepypasta is also usually accompanied by the term "Go to sleep". It's dark here. SCP-2852: Cousin Jonny: The VERY Overly Familiar Cousin, 5. When entering its hunting phase, the crowd will chase down prey, and, once that prey is cornered, insert one of its tendrils into the victim and replace their innards with an unidentifiable fluid. Its not like youd know. Why It Gets Its Classification:It only seems to listen to the O5 Council and can probably be easily destroyed if it becomes too much of a problem. SCP-3125 (+1234): posted 04 May 2017 22:30 by qntm Who is Cousin Jonny, you ask? When Day Breaks is the only one that's really scared me. Gave me chills while reading. If you have a favorite scary SCP that you wish had been included, Id love to check it out, so be sure to leave it in the comments! The image appears to be a black and white photograph of two young girls, though first-hand accounts describe it as "distorted" or "stretched" in a visually disturbing manner. Upon reaching the target, captures them under the sheet it wears, securing them in a presumably extremely painful way. Who films these episodes, and why? Similar to last time, Im ranking ten terrifically terrifying SCPs based on different criteria, adding another rating to the mix this time. Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). This entry is unique in that its told partially in the form of a standard SCP entry, but partially told in the form of a tale because everyone is either dead or transformed, and the story follows a researcher who manages to access the file while trying to get to safety. Occasionally. We get a fantastic log that details the effects of each of the intensities, but when the researchers test the highest effect, Keter, the first line is simply, It is strongly advised that this intensity never be used again.. And it will only get worse. And its easy to see why. What's worse? As of right now, there are thousands of entries, with new tales and lore being added every day. SCP-8900-EX (+1140): posted 17 Dec 2010 22:23 by tunedtoadeadchannel 1 Bad internet. I got immersed by this one recently. Everything you could ask for in a horrifying, world-ending SCP. I absolutely love the morbid instances of civilian deaths included in this article because its one of those SCPs that remind you that any normal person in this universe could accidentally come across something as dangerous as this at any moment without realizing. Hes a part of the family! The idea of a monster that kills you upon viewing its face just scares me on many levels. This is also one of my all-time favourite SCPs. Still, I stand by including this one here. This will sound messed up, but growing up I loved watching 1,000 Ways to Die, a show that featured reenactments of unusual deaths that have occurred in recent history. Can you imagine living in what is essentially a post-apocalyptic wasteland with no explanation as to why for as long as eight years? Painful Death? Top 10 Scary SCPs to Keep You Up at Night. (85% of events): The Yule Man will brutally torture and murder the young childs family in front of them, before kidnapping the child and forcing them underground, where they must make gruesome toys until theyre so tired, hungry, and thirsty that they cant anymore. SCP-231 (+2256): posted 03 Oct 2008 19:30 by DrClef Charming. He sneaks into your room at night, waits for you to wake up . If he found a way to nuke a country, wed probably dismiss it as a small oopsie. That [DATA EXPUNGED] caught me by surprise. SCP-3001 is a horrifying fate for anyone unlucky enough to fall into it, because not only are you all alone, but time passes extremely slowly. Scariest SCPs . Top 10 Scariest SCP Creatures Part 3 Get your beard oils here! SCP-2935 (+1930): posted 18 Jul 2016 05:37 by djkaktus Ilovedthe article for this one. Also, there are multiple dimensions, and most of them seem pretty fucked up. Scariest and most frightining and most awesome scp monsters and objects. A living thing with a hatred for ALL living things, human or otherwise, is terrifying for a variety of reasons. If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. SCP-666-J (+1132): posted 23 Jan 2014 00:47 by PeppersGhost it includes the following scps:. SCP-1230 (+1448): posted 25 Apr 2012 02:29 by MrPixel Published at: 1 year ago. So for now, the Foundation just lets it keep on a-floatin. SCP-6001 (+1237): posted 28 May 2021 20:57 by T Rutherford If you view his face, whether in real life, or four . You aint leaving once you get stuck here. The SCP Foundation is one giant collaborative project made up of a community of amazing writers coming together to write some real scary (and sometimes funny, sometimes sad) shit. The greatest crossover of all time. Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction project | scpwiki.com, O5-4 is no longer allowed to pursue independent research. I cannot imagine encountering a crowd of relatively normal-looking people staring at me with dead eyes and a haunting grin. Probably. So what are your personal ten scariest SCPs and why? What if Garfield was a cosmic horror monster? SCP-990 (+1412): posted 12 Jan 2009 22:37 by Dave Rapp I am employed by Del Rey Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House, LLC. The SCP has its own share of malevolent toys, but SCP-2295 doesn't have an evil bone in its body. Its really creative and thats why I love this article so much. Instead, you melt and transform into a horrid slime amalgamation of fellow slime bodies that exists only to suffer. I might get some shit for this one, because compared to many of the eldritch monstrosities and unexplainable, unstoppable events that could end the world at any moment, rapidly duplicating cakes does sound rather tame. Even worse, it is entirely impossible to plot to do it harm. Its a cave in Indiana that seems innocent enough (as most SCPs do, which is kind of part of the problem), until you enter it and find yourself in an alternate version of our world where we all died in perfect unison on April 20th, 2016. Painful Death? Top 10 Scariest SCP CreaturesSubscribe To Most Amazing Top 10: http://bit.ly/2Ibyk6iBecome A Most Amazing Top 10 Member: https://bit.ly/2OgwCmNCheck Out Part 2 Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SddEG_kjaXAThe SCP Foundation is a web based collective who record and describe creatures that violate natural law. SCP-173 is the weakest SCP at the moment and needs buffs :: SCP: Secret Laboratory General Discussions. 1875 . Channel Producer: . Most SCPs can be contained at least for a while but the hateful star is a juggernaut no one can survive. He uncontrollably hops dimensions. This is the Top 10 Scary SCPs You Won't BelieveWatch More Scary Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiJGJKjnR8w\u0026list=PL532nVurngGurLZQ8vUjfybxIrwZRNGnC#top10 #top10scary #scaryscp #scp #scpfoundation #mostamazingtop10Channel Producer: Landon Dowlatsingh- https://www.instagram.com/landonproductions/Most Amazing Top 10 Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/mostamazingofficial/Hosted By:Che Durena: http://instagram.com/chedurenaVideo Edited By:Connor Munro: https://www.instagram.com/thecheeseKing03/For Business Inquiries Contact: mostamazingtop10@gmail.comSources:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxPZJvUmGQohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sI7JXzMfht8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3mdrt1vEXA The reason I ranked this number 1 even though its similar in some ways to the overly familiar IV stand is because we find out that entering the cave to the alternate dimension sort of alerts whatever entity killed everyone and everything, and going back to your own dimension allows it to follow you there and do the same thing to your own world. SCP-4666 is one of the SCPs mentioned frequently across the community as one of the scariest SCPs out there. This SCP is an amazing fear of the unknown type of SCP. In addition to the previous rankings, Article Rating, Existential Crisis Level, and Painful Death, Im also throwing in Scare Factor because, hey, these aresupposed to be some of the scariest SCPs out there, right? I put the crisis rating pretty high for this because SCP-507 is just a normal dude who for some reason is cursed to hop dimensions, forever denied any kind of stability because he could be yanked to or from a random dimension at any time. Not knowing what the hell is going on until Im grabbed and that weird umbilical-cord-looking thing sucks all my bones and organs and blood out of me until Im nothing more than a mindless part of the crowd. Special mentions go to 049, 066, 682, 1048, and 2521 in that regard. They might not be the scariest SCP monsters, per se, but they offer stories and events . Lots of gruesome suicides by those affected by this SCP. 2718 is a "dammerung" class cognitohazard. Welcome! Im willing to bet thats where my love for all things morbid came from, so it shouldnt come as any surprise that a TV show SCP thats a bizarre mix of 1,000 Ways to Die and Ashton Kutchers prank show Punkd would end up top three in my scary SCPs list. In the wise words ofGTAs Carl Johnson: Ah shit, here we go again. Hi, I was wondering what SCPs you guys on reddit find to be the scariest. Article Rating:8.5/10; I highly recommend reading the field logs. Either way, this is personally the scariest SCP in my opinion. Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture 22 Melina Perez Melina Perez is an American professional wrestler, valet, model and actress. And at worst, you step into the light. The SCP Foundation is a fictional organization that is the subject of a collaborative writ. Many of the scariest lots of gruesome suicides by those affected by SCP! 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